Montag, 19. Februar 2018

Hamlet Who is King Hamlet

 King Hamlet, father of the prince, appeared as a Ghost in the fortress of Elsinore. He was full of anger against his brother and wanted revenge. He ordered Hamlet to revenge his death. He was called grateful and loyal by Hamlet. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern said to be old school friends of Hamlet. They had been summond to Elsinore by Claudius to spy on Hamlet. They both didn't approved of the kings wish but agreed to do it. By a confrontation with Hamlet they both were showing regret and a loyalty to Hamlet. The seemed to feel dishornourstly. They both got used as an instrument by king Claudius and died by their final order to escort Hamlet to England. Horatio is the only alley of Hamlet and faithfully loyal to him. He helps Hamlet with his plan against Claudius. He had the desire to follow the prince into death but Hamlet wanted him to tell the story. Horatio's character has the role of a chronic figure. It mean that he is the person who brings the story to the listening people. 

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