Samstag, 17. Februar 2018

Exam Macbeth by Wiliam Shakespeare Act III scene 2 Rabea S. Klasse 12,

Outline the developent of the relationship between Macbeth and his wife up to this point.

The book Macbeth, written by Wiliam Shakespeare in 1606 is about the mental and emotional turmoire of a man, wo is lured into evie and suffers the consequences.
Macbeth, a high-rateing Scottish military an nabeeman, is an ambitious, deeply sensitive man. At the beginning of the play three witches tell him and Baquo a friend of Macbeth, three prophescies for thir lives. First, Macbeth will become Thane of Cawodr. Second, Macbeht will become King and third they prophecied, that the children of Durcan will become King.

The first prophecy proves to be true very fast. After the war with Norwayx, Duncan chooses him for the new Thane of cawold
Because of this, Macbeth also wants the second prophecy. But for this the currend Kind, Duncan, has to die.
In a letter Macbeth tells lady Macbeth about the three prophecies. She is very optimistic an believes in the prophecies, but she thinks, that Macbeth is tooo human and loyal to kill the kind.  Lady Macbeth is, like Macbeth, very ambirious and so she really wants to do the kingmurde kill the king. Also she is very absessed with power and pretty dominant. So she orders Macbeth to carryxx the kindmurder out. Macbeth doesnt want to do this, because he is afrait of revenge. Wehen Duncan comes to the castle, lady Macbeht is much mor friendlich to him than to anyone else. She feels very pleased and honoured to have him., The kind of Scottland in her ... But hat is is just a hypocrisy.
Macbeth tells lady Macbeth , that he has doubts lady Macbeth gtinkes, that Macbeth would be more a man , if he lelled him. She wants to persuade him with different arguemtn. And this helps. One day lather Macbeth carries out the kingmurderer. Lady Macbeth feels good about it, because she wants power. By contrast Macbeth cant realize it an is very nervous. In this short refelction of the poet of Macbeth you can see the realtionship between Macbeth and lady Macbeth.
Both are very ambitious and follw the dame aim. Lady Macbeth maipulates Macbeth with er disire for power: Lady Macbeth is ver seflconfident in this situation an Macbeth unvertain, but with gtood arguments he makes him more confident. Afeter the kindmurder Macbeth distances himself from lady Macbeht. Heplans to kill Duncan an his son, but doesn`t tell lady Macbeth something about this.
Lady M. is very dominant and doesned with power, but Macbeht can handle it. Will the true the distance theriself, but superficially they have a good realtionship.

Examine how and to what effect central themes of the play re presented in this scene.

The book The poem "Macbeth " wirtten bay W. Shakespeare is about a great Scothish soldier, wo ist empted into killing his kind, taking the throne himself and ho he is overhrown. In Act 3, scene 2, Macbeth and Ladymacbeth talk about the situation after the murder auf Ducan. Lady Macbeth is very dissatisfied and doesn´t want Macbeth to kill another one. But Macbeth sees the situation al really unvertain and makes hints to kill Banquo, but he does not say it clearly. This murder is indicated by light and darkness. Everytime when something terrible happened in Macbeth, Shakespeare described the nigt and the darkness. For Example on page 59, after the murder of Duncan, when Ross and old man talk about the nighgt of the murder, the darkness ist desribed  By Tbh´clkodck tis day.  And yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp ( L 6-7. P 59)

And also in this situation, when Macbeth indicated the murder of Banque and his son the darkness is descirped.  Light thickens, L 50, P 77).
Another central theme of the play are the animals. The can easioly mediate feelings and an athmosphere to the reader. In this situation they talk abaut a crow. A symbol for the death an terrible things. Like the darkness it is a hint at the murderer of Banquo. Macbeth doesn´t want to tell lady Macbeth clearly, that he wants to kill him, but he sows it to her with these symbols. The last improtant theme in this scene is sleep. After murdering Duncan, Macbeth told Lady Macbeht, that he will never sleep again, because he has murdered sleep ( L 39 P 45 ). In Act 3 scene 2 he envies Duncan, besaus he sleeps well ( L 23, p 45) an has found his rest. Macbeth can not find his rest anyway, because he is so confused of the murder. These three central themes underline the plot of this scene. They are very improtant to get into the plat an make the cenem much more interessting.

3.  Conceive of the servant overhearing this conversation and wirte a ltetter to his family telling them what he knows about Macbeth.

Dear Mum and Dad,

how are you ? I am fine. I am a little bit bored of work, but yesterday something interessting happend. I heard a talk between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth you know the two I am working for. They takled about the murder of Duncan. You heard about it? Our Kind, Duncan, was killed here, in Macbet´s castle. Lady Macbeth said, that she feels dissatisfied and she doesn ´t want him to kill another person. Afterwards Macbeth told ..that the situation is uncertain and indicated to kill his friend Banquo. Do you think that Macbeth could tell Duncan, the good an loyes King, or his friend Banquo? He is so human and loyal and ambitions. But why should he kill the king? He has no reason. Maybe he didn´t do it. But isn t it bizaare, that they takt about the murder of if the .. everything about it. I don t know what i Shall belive. Also they talked about the rest Duncan feel now an Macbeht soundes a little envius as if he couldnt  fint the rest anymore, or something like this. But this leads me to the feeling, that Macbeth is the murderer of Duncan. An this is unbelivable. Macbeth is a good persond. We assume that Macbeth killed Duncan, what is maybe absolutley wron, buit just think of that. Oh god, maybe he acts like a loyals and human person, but he is absolutely the opposite. But i don t want to sentence him, when I dont know the trotz. Maybe I find something out. That I will write to you.
In Love the servant

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