Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2018

Hamlet Act 5 Scene 2:

Hamlet. Act 5 Scene 2: Hamlet told Horatio that he found the king's letter on the ship and changed it with a fake one which applied the death of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The battle between Hamlet and Laertes started and the entire court is watching them. The sword of Laertes is dipped in poison and also the poisoned cup of wine is placed on the table. Hamlet won the first round and thee queen was cheering at him, unfortunately with the poisoned wine. In the next round Hamlet got injured and poisoned. The queen fell and died. Hamlet blamed the king and forced him to drink from the wine too. Claudius died. Hamlet hitted Laertes with the poisoned sword which he picked up while both accedently dropped their swords and injured him. That was Laertes death but before he died he asked Hamlet for forgiveness. Hamlet felt the approach of death and broke down. He ordered Horatio to report what happened. King Fortinbras returned from Poland and heard from Horatio what happened. Hamlet elected the king of Norway for the danish throne.

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